Video and Podcast

In depth

DUB's Student Podcast: having ADHD as a woman

‘Where do I end and ADHD begins?’

In depth

UU vs. Utrecht University of Applied Sciences

Where to find the best lunch at the Utrecht Science Park?


Utrecht Student Concert celebrates anniversary with new performance

Opera Doctor Atomic will take you back to another era


Students are not sure about voting but they do have tips for the next council members

What do you think should change at the university?


One of the events of the This is UU Week

Students take advantage of Iftar meal to get out of their own bubbles


Student Frank chose to live in a studio in complex The Fizz

'It looks like a student hotel, but it doesn't feel that way'


Shell at the career market?

'Students should decide for themselves whether to work for Shell'


Valentine or flop?

'Dating apps didn't really work for me'