Translation Indra Spronk


In depth

Three student associations about their favourite pubs

‘You can act crazy but make sure you do it for you’


Vijf maanden van afwijzingen, oplichters en verwarring

Dagboek van een emotionele zoektocht naar een kamer

In depth

Professor of Public Engagement wants UU to break all ties with fossil fuel industry

Erik van Sebille: ‘It's all about framing, scientists have to be more aware of that’


No network operator needed

UU's solar park: ‘It’s absolutely marvelous’

In depth

Huzur snack bar, a meeting point for students since 1991

Snack bar host Mehmet: ‘I never forget a face’


To reduce the pressure to perform

UMC Utrecht considers abolishing cum laude

In depth

DUB's Student Podcast discusses the normalisation of drug use

'Can I still enjoy a party without drugs?'

In depth

UU student writes book about sex

‘I have a more relaxed attitude towards sex now'

In depth

Veterinary Medicine's seven-year accreditation

‘A visitation is an opportunity to take a critical look in the mirror’