How do I survive a hangover in class?

Photo: DUB

It will probably not fully dawn on you right now, but you will have to enter the lecture hall in the foreseeable future. That is quite interesting in the beginning, but at some point the shine will wear off. Especially when you walk into the 9-hour lecture hungover for the first time.

Deodorant and chewing gum alone will not do
Being hungover means surviving in suboptimal circumstances, but I probably do not have to explain that to you again. It is therefore important to think of your primary needs first: coffee, a shower and a toothbrush. I know it is tempting to think that deodorant will do, but that is not the case. I am convinced that the smell of broken-down alcohol mixed with Axe and half a chewing gum is similar to nuclear radiation. Do not do this to your fellow student.

Waking up in another bed in another city is no excuse. A while ago, after a party, I conceived the bright plan to go on a nightly visit to Hilversum at night. When I was in the sprinter of 5.12, it seemed like a great idea. But three hours later, when I woke up sobered up and significantly less enthusiastic, I had to rush to class from an unknown city. Fortunately, my rescue was at Utrecht Central Station: the Hema. I then invested 5 euros in a set of ‘minis’ that are now always in my bag - and I am still very grateful to myself for that.

Mandatory attendance also applies if you are hungover
However, the festivities of the evening before had ensured that I was attending that lecture unprepared. That is a tricky issue. It is quite disturbing for your fellow students if there is a pile of misery sitting in lecture. Staying away would then be the best option for yourself, your teacher, and your fellow students. However, that insight has not yet reached all policymakers. Almost all courses are plagued by a mandatory attendance. Absence is only tolerated if you come up with a very good story. Being hungover because you went out and then went to Hilversum is not one of those. When I was miserable in college the day after, I fulfilled my duty to attend in silence. I was able to use the two hours of silence to reflect on my life choices.

Do you wonder how you can survive something in the student life in Utrecht? Cantuses, bus 12, student slang, or do you just want a suggestion for your Tinderbio? App your question / comment / flirt to Nina on +31618975307. Advice is guaranteed. Whether it will get you anywhere, is yet to be seen.


