DUBstagram: UU-building looks like an Olympic flame

Instagram: nonius09
Antonio Martinez Pascual is researching Biomass valorization and sustainable energy sources for the Utrecht University (Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis group) sponsored by European Union through Marie Curie fellowship.
Antonio: "When I finished my working day at the David de Wiedgebouw in the Uithof, I saw this kind of tower on my way to the bus stop. It was a hard work day, and I saw a cloud that in a proper angle, could look like an Olympic flame. As olympic athlete, a scientist is pushing his own limits when trying to push the knowledge's limits. The "flame" in my picture is a symbol of that spirit".
A post shared by Nono Martínez Pascual (@nonius09) on Oct 5, 2017 at 12:55pm PDT