Most of them went to Utrecht

43 top researchers receive Vici grants

H.R. Kruytgebouw Foto: DUB
The Faculty of Science is getting four Vici grants. Photo: DUB

The Vici grant gives up to 1.5 million euros to "highly experienced" scientists. Those awarded can use the money to expand their research group and conduct innovative research for five years. Some of the research topics awarded this time include T-cell therapy for cancer, fast-charging batteries, preventing anxiety and depression in young people, and a form of artificial intelligence that requires less data.

Only 12 percent
Only 12 percent of the 369 proposals received by NWO were ultimately honoured with a Vici grant. That's one percentage point more than in the previous round. Utrecht University can be proud: six of its researchers have been awarded. TU Delft (4), Leiden University (4), the University of Amsterdam (4) and the much smaller University of Twente (3) are also doing well.

Nine grants for Utrecht
Four of the grants for Utrecht are going to the Faculty of Science, namely to Martin Haase, Laura Filion, Markus Weingarth and Tzviya Zeev-Ben-Mordehai. The other two grants went to Humanities scholars Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk and Elena Tribushinina.

UMC Utrecht researcher Stefan Nierkens, Princess Máxima Centre researcher Anne Rios, and Hubrecht Institute researcher Marvin Tanenbaum were awarded as well. Click here for a more detailed description of the research done by all nine winners. 

The Vici grants are part of the NWO Talent Programme, alongside the grants Veni and Vidi, which are intended for scientists at different stages of their careers.

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