Part of Student Action Europe's national campaign
Christian students protest abortion at Utrecht Science Park

About ten students, all male, protested at the tram stop on Heidelberglaan. The Christian student movement has existed since 2014 and is active throughout Europe. This week, they are protesting abortion. The protesters wore neat uniforms, red scarves, and striking berets. They also carried a big red flag with a coat of arms that included a lion and the words “Tradition, Family, Property”.
According to the group, universities are crucial places to protest abortion. “We want to make our Christian values known and break through the left-wing bubble that often prevails on campuses, taught by teachers who often have left-wing views. We came here to voice a different opinion and start a debate,” a spokesperson for the movement explained.

The action immediately sparked a counter-protest. Photo: Phine Hazelbag/DUB
Not all students on campus appreciated the group’s presence. Several students reacted negatively when handed out flyers. “Why do they have to bother us with this? I just want to go to class,” said a student who had just gotten into a heated argument with one of the TFP members. A group of students and staff then gathered in front of the Christian protesters to express their displeasure, shouting slogans like “Abortion is healthcare, abortion is a human right.”