RTLnieuws reports:
Coalition prepared to abolish fine for delayed graduation

This is stated in a document obtained by RTL Nieuws, which allegedly forms the basis for negotiations with the opposition. The opposition is threatening to vote against the education budget in the Senate if the cabinet is not prepared to reverse at least 1.3 billion euros from the austerity measures announced against education and research.
The four coalition parties initially refused to do so and came up with a counteroffer of 363 million euros. The so-called "monster alliance", comprised of opposition parties D66, CDA, JA21, ChristenUnie and SGP, considered the counteroffer too meagre.
So, the cabinet came up with a new counteroffer of 650 million euros. The coalition parties believe that 100 million-euro cuts to the budget for scientific research could be reduced and 50 million could be maintained to finance starter and incentive grants.
It is not known what the opposition thinks of this second offer. Negotiation will be resumed behind closed doors.