He got a medal from the mayor
DUB videographer Joppe van Gent rescues pregnant woman from water

It was a cold day in mid-January when Joppe van Gent was cycling along Zandpad and saw a bicycle lying on the verge. He also spotted a coat in the water after getting off his bike.
"I immediately thought: 'Something is not right,'" Joppe tells DUB over the phone. "I was pretty shocked. Another woman was standing on the side of the road, but there was no time to consult. I knew I had to go into the water. I shouted to her, telling her to call 112, then I took off all my clothes and jumped into the water."
Warming up
A woman was floating on her back. "At first, I only managed to pull her halfway out of the water. Fortunately, another cyclist stopped and they helped me lift the woman out of the water. I thought she was dead at first, but fortunately, she was still alive. She started groaning and babbling a bit after a while."
The man who helped him turned out to be a doctor. The police happened to be nearby and an ambulance also arrived quickly. "I could warm myself up in the police car for a while. Then I went with them to the police station, where I showered and told my story." Later on, they found out that the woman was pregnant.
The rescue operation earned Joppe a distinction from the Royal Lifeboat Rescue Society(KMRD), which he received two months later, on March 7. To Joppe, the event feels like a long time ago, which explains why it is a bit crazy for him to suddenly become the centre of attention.
Utrecht Mayor Sharon Dijksma, the police officers who participated in the rescue, and a representative of KMRD were all present at the ceremony. The distinction was supposed to be a surprise, but one of Joppe's friends revealed it accidentally just before they walked into the town hall together. "He didn't know it was a surprise," Joppe laughs. "But knowing it beforehand did help me process the whole thing better."
Joppe was awarded KMRD's silver medal. Founded in 1767, the Royal Lifeboat Rescue Society awards people who have saved someone from drowning.
Twice the hero
Mayor Dijksma says in a press release: "When Joppe saw someone lying in the water, he did not think twice. He called the emergency services, took off his clothes and jumped into the icy water to save the woman. And not just her. After all, we found out later that the woman was 22 weeks pregnant. So, that day, Joppe saved not one, but two lives. Twice the hero."
Joppe considers it "a great honour" that he received a distinction. "You go through something like that and then go on with your day. It feels surreal to talk about it again with so many people and suddenly be sitting with the mayor," he says.
He stresses that he did not do it on his own. "I saw it and jumped into the water, but other people helped and did their part."
Joppe van Gent has been working for DUB as a freelance videographer for a year. He usually interviews UU students on camera about topics that matter to the student community. Joppe studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) and is currently pursuing a Master's degree in History, also at UU.