To protest the austerity measures
Dutch higher education to go on strike

What they mean by "relay strike" is that universities and universities of applied sciences will take turns going on strike. "It is up to each institution to define what the strike will look like and when it will take place," the trade union FNV explained to its members.
The General Education Union has also decided to go on strike. A spokesperson says that members are ready for action. "1.1 billion in cuts are still in the pipeline, which is not insignificant." The plans are fledgling, so it remains to be seen how the relay will be implemented. FNV is thinking of a national day of protests nearing the parliamentary debate on the spring memorandum. AOb is not sure yet what the protests will look like.
“Eventful year”
The spring memo could be a difficult time for the four parties in the coalition. PVV leader Geert Wilders is already saying this is an "eventful" year, reiterating that he does not want to allocate more money for the climate or Ukraine.
The cabinet always has to deal with financial windfalls and setbacks throughout the year. The four government parties (and any tolerated partners in the Senate) must then agree on adjustments to the national budget.
A deal has already been made between opposition parties ChristenUnie, SGP, CDA and JA21 for the budget for the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, partly at the expense of the Ministry of Health. The chance that anything significant will change seems small but perhaps everything will shift again in the event of major windfalls or setbacks.