Even more combined Amsterdam/Enschede tech programmes

The two universities had previously launched a joint Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering in 2019. The aim at the time was to persuade more pre-university pupils from the Noord-Holland and Flevoland regions to study technology closer to home.
Tech talent
The partnership seems to be going well because the two universities have announced no fewer than three new projects. One of these is a Master’s track in sports data science. The track will start in 2021 at UT as part of the Master’s in Computer Science, and a year later at VU Amsterdam as part of the Master’s in Human Movement Sciences.
There are also plans for two new technical Bachelor’s programmes in Amsterdam: Creative Technology (starting in 2023) and Technical Business Administration (starting in 2023 or 2024). UT already offers both programmes.
The institutions want to prevent ‘tech talent’ from being lost. Moreover, they are hoping to attract more students to the technology Master’s programmes at UT.
The two new programmes in Amsterdam do not need to be accredited, because they fall under UT’s accreditation.