‘They're repeating the same moves by lifting sanctions after a warning’

Lawyer of 'slut list' victims disappointed at UU and HU's leniency towards USC

Het gele kasteel van USC Foto: DUB
Photo: DUB

According to Brouwer, the two institutions should introduce new policies to punish inappropriate behaviours harshly as that is part of the duty of care they have towards their students. Before the sanctions were lifted, the lawyer proposed a series of measures UU and HU should take in this regard. She explained the measures on the TV show Nieuwsuur last year.

Harsh measures
One of the things Brewer would like to see educational institutions do is establish how students should behave as a precondition for giving money to student associations. These norms should also be included in a code of conduct for all students. Harsh sanctions should follow if a student breaks the rules. "Those who cross the line should be expelled from the institution."

University insurance for students forced to seek psychological or legal help due to the behaviour of other students is another of Brewer's ideas. As far as she is concerned, the subsidy that was withheld from USC should have been handed to the victims of the lists.

"The two institutions didn't do anything about my proposal", says the lawyer. "That is disappointing. It means they don't see how serious the situation is. The perpetrators are walking freely while the victims are struggling with the traumatic consequences."

Brewer plans to take further steps to defend the victims and does not rule out a test case. "We will not leave it at that."

Asked to react to Brewer's comments, HU and UU say they have talked to the lawyer several times. After those talks, the lawyer drew up a ten-point plan, to which the two institutions claim to have responded "extensively".

According to the two institutions, their response indicated why they couldn't meet several of her demands. For instance, HU and UU say they cannot impose sanctions for inappropriate behaviours that take place outside their buildings and grounds. Only the police and the public prosecutor can take action in this case. "This has been confirmed several times in case law," they say.

UU and HU also say they cannot bear the costs of legal or psychological help if they are not directly responsible for its causes. "These are independent associations. They receive subsidies from us, that much is true, but subsidisers are not liable for the behaviour of subsidy recipients."

Nieuwsuur will cover the lifting of sanctions against USC on Friday evening. Ina Brouwer will be one of the guests. The broadcast starts at 9:30 pm.
