Students can now hitchhike at P+R Science Park
Municipality to allow people to hitchhike at USP

The idea is to allow drivers to pick up hitchhikers at the exit of the Utrecht Science Park P+R. According to the municipality, this is a favourable location, especially in the afternoon, because of the significant number of cars leaving the campus. Besides, the A2, A27 and A28 motorways are nearby.
In addition to Utrecht Science Park, the municipality also wants to create hitchhiking locations along Eykmanlaan and at the Westraven P+R in Kanaleneiland. Two official pick-up points for hitchhikers already exist at the entrances to Waterlinieweg and Galgenwaard Stadium.
According to the municipality, Utrecht has a relatively big "hitchhiking potential" due to its large student population and central location in the Netherlands. The political parties GroenLinks and Horizon asked for more hitchhiking locations in the municipal council. According to them, the image of hitchhiking is changing thanks to climate-conscious young people.
New hitchhiker signs will be placed in these five places. It is not yet known when hitchhikers will be able to use them. Similar signs from the NederlandLift Foundation already exist in The Hague and Nijmegen.
Below, you van see the old sign on the left and the new one on the right.