New collective labour agreement universities: wage increase and bonus

The new collective labour agreement will apply until January 1, 2021. The wage increase will apply from June 1. Anyone working at the university at that time will also receive a one-off gross payment of 750 euros (or for part-time employees: part of it).
The negotiators see the consequences of the corona crisis for temporary staff and reserve money for this: 0.45 percent of the wage margin. By this they mean 0.45 percent of the total wage costs at the universities.
"This is a special agreement that expresses solidarity and commitment with university staff on temporary contracts", the negotiators write.
Further agreements will be made about the use of that money. This concerns, for example, the extension of temporary contracts of researchers, PhD candidates and teachers, but also of the support staff who support them in their work.
It has also been agreed that all universities will introduce an ombudsperson (or: ombud function), to which employees can turn if they have a conflict. In approximately a year's time, this should be realised at all universities.
It must be known by June 5 at the latest whether the employers (united in the VSNU) and the members of the unions (FNV, CNV Overheid, AOb and AC/FBZ) agree to the settlement