Lamenting "lost" language programmes
Sad Sinterklaas poem hanging at Trans 10

The faculty board at Humanities wants to abolish six Bachelor's programmes with fewer than 25 students each year. This includes the languages German, French, Italian, Arabic and Celtic. The idea is to incorporate those languages into other programmes in a new interdisciplinary model that would reduce the costs and the number of courses faculty-wide. In the poem, students and staff regret the loss of the programme status and express their lack of confidence in the faculty's plans.
The original poem is in Dutch, this is a free translation:
Dear Santa,
This year I'll give you a list
Maybe that's inappropriate, but I'll tell it like it is:
I am filled with worry and I hope you hear me out
The first thing I wish with all my heart:
That our programmes will not be left alone in the dark
German, French, Italian and Celtic matter
Closing them would be a disaster
Who chooses the languages of Goethe and Proust for a deep dive?
Or Italian, with all its art and zest for life?
Let's not forget Celtic, with its ancient stories and splendour
It can't disappear, to its power we all surrender
That's why I wish the cabinet would listen to us
For these budget cuts are simply nuts
Students here don't learn languages alone
They immerse themselves in a culture and society, we could go on and on
An Italian student doesn't only learn the language of Dante
But also about History, art and the renaissance
Please let'em see, oh Santa, that in this day and age
Languages are key for a society to reach the next stage
I just wish the faculty administration would show us
That they will have our back - always!
Please help them not be passive this time
And to the plans from above, say: "NEIN!"
We don't need to follow all of their decisions blindly
Administrators have a voice that should echo loudly
Cutting back on Bildung, on the future and the youth,
Is a policy that could never ever be good
Please, Santa, let'em recognise their duty
To support education, truly
Not only as disciplines but as programmes in their own right
Languages are a big part of society, don't let this out of sight
Santa, make them understand once and for all
That quantity is not everything, it's okay to be small
The value of knowledge, reflection and thought
Should be understood by all, it matters a lot
A programme may be small but influential
It may have few students, but they have potential
Celtic is unique, it exists in Utrecht only
Ignoring such a high-quality programme is baloney
Another thing that shouldn't be forgotten
Learning a language is more than just talking
Learning German is learning about art and philosophy
And seeing how language and culture intertwine in harmony
There is more to language studies than words
It's about gesamtkunstwerk, curriculum design, as it were
So, Dear Santa, I hope you'll hear my message
Let us cause language studies no further damage
I do not ask for much, my wish is very simple,
Relieve me of this enormous worry wrinkle.
Dear Santa, sorry I've worded my wishes so weirdly
I know I should have done it differently, but maybe this way they'll hear me
Dutch is not my first language, but a foreigner to me
I hope you understand my letter, truncated as it may be