Three Utrecht clubs to open on Saturday

Although cafés, restaurants and bars are going to be allowed to stay open for longer, nightclubs are still not allowed to operate. Club owners do not agree with that policy, so they're planning on disobeying the rules on Saturday, February 12, in a protest titled De Nacht Staat Op (The Night if Waking Up).
Three nightclubs in Utrecht are going to take part in the demonstration, namely De Helling, Ekko and dB’s. They have invited local artists and DJs to perform. Entry costs 2.50 euros per person, and partygoers must present a Covid pass confirming you've been vaccinated, tested negative, or just recovered from the coronavirus. The tickets sold out in no time.
Utrecht Mayor Sharon Dijksma stated in an interview that she understands the protest. "They were the first ones who had to close their doors and they're still closed. But, as long as there are rules, we have to enforce them".
The question is to what extent they are going to enforce the rules. The nightclubs warn on their websites that there is a risk they'll be forced to end the event early. They ask customers for their understanding.