Votes cast at Utrecht Science Park

Vast majority of UU students and staff vote GroenLinks-PvdA in European elections

Stembureau, foto DUB
Photo: DUB

Last Thursday, June 6, 715 votes were cast in the Koningsberger building and 1,749 votes were cast in the Administration Building. Of those, 43.4 percent went for GroenLinks-PvdA (Green Left-Labour Party). The gap with the other parties in the race is huge.

Partij voor de Dieren (Party for the Animals) received 393 votes (15.9 percent), scoring an unexpected second place at Utrecht Science Park. Volt did well too, with 386 votes (15.6 percent). D66 came right after, with 289 votes (11.7 percent).

The centre-right party VVD and the Christian party CDA lag behind the four progressive parties, with 62 and 59 votes, respectively. PVV, the far-right party that won the Dutch Parliamentary elections, only got 25 votes at Utrecht Science Park (nationally, it obtained six seats).

GroenLinks-PvdA also came first in the city of Utrecht, with 38.1 percent of the votes. However, city-wide, D66 was the second most popular party in the European elections, followed by Volt and Partij voor de Dieren. VVD comes fourth and PVV comes fifth.
