Veni grant awarded to 26 researchers from Utrecht

One of the studies conducted in Utrecht concerns the recycling of plastic waste. Photo: Shutterstock

Awarding up to 250,000 euros annually, the Veni scholarships are distributed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO in the Dutch acronym) to promising graduates so that they can develop their research further for three years.

This year, the NWO has seen 1.176 applications (539 women and 637 men), of which all 14 per cent were honoured. The University of Amsterdam leads the way with 19 grants, followed by Utrecht University (18), and TU Delft (13). 

Winners from Utrecht
In total, 26 talented researchers from Utrecht will receive a Veni grant. Ten of them belong to UU's Faculty of Science. Six scientists from the Faculty of Humanities, two researchers from the Faculty of Geosciences, one from the REBO faculty, three scientists from UMC Utrecht, two researchers from the Princess Máxima Center, and two scientists from the Hubrecht Institute will also receive a Veni.

Talent programme
The Veni scholarships are part of NWO's Talent Programme, which helps scientists at different points in their careers. In addition to the Veni, NWO awards the Vidi grants for experienced scientists and the Vici grants for senior scientists. The grants are named after Julius Caesar's message to the Senate of Rome after winning a battle: "veni, vidi, vici" (I came, I saw, I conquered).
