faculty of geosciences


Vice Dean of Research will occupy the role temporarily

Marc Bierkens appointed interim dean of Geosciences


Passionate about science and art

Professor and poet Esther Jansma dies aged 66

In depth

Volcanoes, fossils, and castles made of meteorite

Professor Van Hinsbergen explains the geological highlights of Tour de France


UU puts secondary education teachers in the spotlight

Geography teacher Tim Schuring is the Alumnus of the Year

In depth

Importance of secure data management system demonstrated again

A wake-up call: the lost (or almost lost) research data stored in Yoda


The debate continues...

Will Geosciences get rid of those turnstiles? 'Nope.'


Due to a technical defect in combination with human error

Geoscientists lose research data stored on Yoda


Former UU rector passes away

Obituary: Hans van Ginkel, an idealistic pragmatic