student life


Students talk about dating on Valentine's Day

'Kissing on a first date is okay, but going any further might spoil the second one'

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Twentysomethings doubt their life choices

‘I saw on Instagram that some of my old classmates are getting engaged’

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USC and UVSV have an Entrepreneur Group

‘Entrepreneurial UU students have lots of potential’


What will you change in 2024?

'I want to make more time for myself and have some fun'


A student house looking back on 2023

‘The poop was flowing down the hallway’

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Eating out with Unitas and S.S.R.

'Alcohol is not necessarily the most important thing'

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'Stewards' put nightlife on Nobelstraat in order

‘Time to go home, folks’

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More than a group of friends

Independent fraternities: 'We do as many manly things as possible'

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SSH wants to persuade students living in the Tuindorp West complex to move

‘I've finally found a place, and then three days later I’m told to leave’