student life

In depth

Eating out with Unitas and S.S.R.

'Alcohol is not necessarily the most important thing'

In depth

'Stewards' put nightlife on Nobelstraat in order

‘Time to go home, folks’

In depth

More than a group of friends

Independent fraternities: 'We do as many manly things as possible'

In depth

SSH wants to persuade students living in the Tuindorp West complex to move

‘I've finally found a place, and then three days later I’m told to leave’

In depth

Five euros off a ticket to climb Dom Tower

From wellness to dinner: this is where students can get a discount in Utrecht

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The new student association in Utrecht

U-Pad Gaming, an association for students who love to play games

In depth

Living on your own for the first time

‘The first thing I thought was: I have to call my dad'

In depth

Students who don't drink

‘I just don’t really like the taste of alcohol’

In depth

Three student associations about their favourite pubs

‘You can act crazy but make sure you do it for you’