university council

In depth

Should council members be eligible for a basic grant from DUO?

‘European students are not being treated equally’

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One million euros spent on consultants

‘Educational Planning Programme is a waste of time and money’


Concerning Israel and the fossil fuel industry

Students in the University Council frown upon framework for new collaborations


Students on the University Council against it

Abolition of honours programme prompts strong opposition


Your favourite book on the shelf

JanIsDeMan to paint mural on Groeneveld building

In depth

They say they want to 'free UU from censorship and indoctrination'

Student party VSP attacks university for being ‘leftist’ and ‘woke’


Faculties are already making plans

UU Council feels sidelined regarding plan to halt honours programmes


UU Council suggests university to have its own travel agency

'UU should make sustainable travel mandatory'