
Het DUB-panel is een selecte groep studenten en medewerkers. Zij geven op onregelmatige basis hun mening over veelbesproken kwesties aan de UU. Kijk hier voor de samenstelling van het panel. 

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Most DUB panel members strongly oppose the measure

A fine for students who take longer to graduate? Ill-considered, unwise and unfair

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Not just for vocational education

Should we make citizenship education mandatory for UU students?

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DUB-panel divided about strict actions against latecomers

Too late for class? The door’s locked! Isn't it?

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DUB panel reacts to op-ed written by UU students

Should we keep big companies away from the university?

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‘The minister is just shifting the problem’

DUB panel is unanimous: Relaxing the binding study advice is a bad plan

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UU canteens no longer offering evening meals

DUB panel: where can one get dinner around here?