In depth

In depth

New multidisciplinary research by professor Maaike Bleeker

How do you make a robot become more socially competent?

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HTU: Secondary school students at UU

‘It really feels like an honour to join in’

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Book on painting and scientific invention

Professor Pasterkamp: ‘The artist and the inventor are both creative’

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Teacher, planner and bus driver

‘Acquiring some practical experience can be valuable for students’

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UMC Utrecht presents novelty

Drawing straws for research grants: Lousy or savvy?

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Breaking Science, a pitching competition

‘Close your eyes and imagine you’re in a time machine’

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New wellbeing group provides emotional support for activists

'It is important to take a break and process everything that is going on'

In depth

Jewish students and staff no longer feel safe at UU

‘I don’t dare wear my necklace with the Star of David anymore out of fear of the comments’