First-year students share their expectations
‘Having to start over gives me the butterflies’

Silke (17) – English Language and Culture
‘The 'slow student' fine only makes for more pressure and stress'
Why did you choose to study in Utrecht?
“I've been fascinated by the English language ever since I can remember. I get happy whenever I hear it on the street. I also like literature and poetry, so this programme appealed to me right away. The universities of Amsterdam and Leiden have the same programme, but I think Utrecht is a nicer city, with a pleasant atmosphere.”
What are you looking forward to the most?
“I am really looking forward to meeting new people. UIT provided a good opportunity for that, but I will meet many more students once my studies start. I'm looking forward to finding my own way in this city. Then I can also invite my friends and family from Rotterdam, where I come from. It's exciting to start all over again. I had been used to things for so long and now everything is going to change completely.”
Are you going to live in a student room?
“No, not yet. Maybe in my second year. I stayed at a student association house during UIT, which was very convenient. You could sign up for it on their website and then stay there for free. You didn’t even have to register for the association, although I would like to do that. Not before next year, though. First, I want to focus on my studies. The initiation rituals scare me a bit, but I heard good stories from my brother and sister, who are both part of student associations. They advised me to join one, so I will definitely try.”
What do you think of the fine for students who take longer than expected to graduate?
“It is total nonsense. This only makes for more stress and pressure. It's a widely known fact that many students struggle with mental health problems, so I don't understand it. I think I'll be fine, but I still wonder why such a fine is necessary.”

Anouk (left) and Silke (right). Photo: Julie Nijburg
Anouk (17) – Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
‘I like to party but I don't need to get hammered’
What are you looking forward to the most?
“I'm very excited to make new friends and go out with them. It's nice that almost everyone is on their own now. Take UIT, for example. No one knows each other and that's why most students are very open to start a conversation. That makes it easier to approach people. But I'm also just looking forward to learning new things. There is going to be a lot more literature compared to high school and almost everything will be in English. I think that will take some getting used to.”
Are you going to live in a student room?
“I live in IJsselstein now. Fortunately, it’s not very far from Utrecht, so I’ll be living with my parents in the first year. I would like to live in a room from the second year onwards, but the difficulty in finding a room is holding me back. I’m trying not to think about it too much now. I’ll see how things go when the time comes.”
At UIT, students could indicate how much they wanted to party and how much they wanted to engage in cultural activities. They were then placed in a group with people with similar percentages. What did you choose and how did you like your group?
“I said 65 percent party and 35 percent culture. I like to party but I don't need to get hammered. Besides, I'm not legally allowed to drink yet and UIT was very strict about that. That's not a problem, you can have fun without drinking too. I already knew Utrecht a little bit, but I wasn't familiar with the spots where students hang out, so I enjoyed discovering them.”
What do you think of the fine for students who take longer than expected to graduate?
“I think it’s ridiculous. I am confident that I’ll get my Bachelor’s degree in four years, but the fine is not a good idea. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll be in trouble.”

Daniël (18) – Politics, Philosophy and Economics
‘I get why they want to introduce such a fine’
Are you going to live in a student room?
“I might move to Utrecht after six months to a year. By then, I’ll probably know for sure if I like the programme and I’ll know more people in Utrecht, which will hopefully make it easier to find a room. I think I’ll register with SSH and ask the people I'll get to know if they’re still looking for roommates.”
Why did you choose to join UIT?
“A lot of people told me that it would be fun. You get a better idea of the city and you learn new things about student life, which makes a difference once things officially start. And you get to meet a lot of people, which is super fun."
Is there anything you're not looking forward to?
“I’ve heard that the bus line from Leusden to Utrecht doesn’t always run on time. The one that passes close to my house runs from 11:00 am to 5:30 pm, so if I have to go to the university before or after those times, I'll have to take a detour, which will take much longer. I'm not exactly looking forward to that."
What do you think of the fine for students who take longer than expected to graduate?
“I wasn't aware of it. I get why they want to do that. Politicians want people to graduate as quickly as possible because it saves them money. However, a significant number of students enrol in multiple programmes because they don't find the right one right away. In that case, getting a Bachelor's degree in four years is pretty tough.”

Myrthe (17) – Earth Science
‘I'm not excited about having to do all house chores myself’
Why did you choose this programme?
“I chose not to do a gap year because I know myself, I would never do anything useful afterwards. So, I enrolled in a university immediately. Better to get on with it now and then take a gap year after obtaining my diploma. I used to love Geography in high school and I even wanted to become a Geography teacher. There is a specific programme for that, but it focuses on becoming a teacher, whereas I want to acquire knowledge first and only then become a teacher.”
Do you want to live in a student room?
“No, not anytime soon. I live in Amersfoort now, so it’s close by. I'm not excited about having to do all the house chores myself. It’s also much cheaper to keep on living with your parents.”
What are you looking forward to the most?
“The end of the year when we'll go on a field trip in the French Alps. I'm also looking forward to the classes. I think they will be tough. They will use Math B, not Math A, which is what I had in high school. But oh well, we'll see. I bluffed my way through high school, so I'll probably be fine here too.”
What kind of group did you choose at UIT?
“I went for more culture. I’m 17 so I’m not allowed to drink yet, even though that’s what I like about a party! It was a shame, but I was mainly looking forward to meeting new people and having fun.”