Literature Today students launch magazine

After having a lot of fun with a project initiated by lecturer Mia You, in which they made a magazine with assignments from the first block, Literature Today students Mikołaj Bać and Ella van Driel decided to continue on with it. Their goal is to become more acquainted with publishing reviews and personal essays. “RevUU magazine is a passion project for gaining more experience and spending some great time together, whilst giving some insights to our readers about the literary world”, Mikołaj told DUB in an e-mail.
“It aims to be a diverse and inclusive platform, where graduate students and aspiring writers can comfortably find their own voice while also being supported by other students and faculty”, he added. Titled Tastemakers of the Future, this second edition features not only the work of students from the MA Literature Today, but also writers from outside the university who responded to an open call. According to the two editors, this has made the magazine “quite international”. In addition, while the first edition was entirely in English, this one includes works in Dutch as well. According to Mikołaj and Ella, the bilingual experience is a way to “enrich the magazine’s inclusive message”.
For tonight’s online launch event, which starts at 7:00 pm, a special guest has been invited: writer and DJ Emma van Meyeren, who is going to discuss her recent publication Ook ben ik stukgewaaid, which, according to the editors, “approaches mourning in a new manner”. On the magazine’s website, the duo says they are “eager to discuss this topic in light of recent events”.
Interested in joining? The event is available for anyone with a Microsoft Teams account via this link. You can also send a message to