Marjorie van Elven

Marjorie van Elven coordinates DUB's English page. Born in Brazil and fluent in English, Portuguese, Dutch and French, she has been working as a journalist and copywriter for 15 years. She moved to Utrecht in 2012 to pursue a Master's in Gender Studies at UU and has been living there ever since. At DUB, she covers the internationalisation of Dutch higher education, diversity and inclusion. 


In depth

UU students did not sit still this year

Five inspiring go-getters to whom 2024 will be a year to remember


Deze UU-studenten vielen op

Vijf bijzondere Utrechtse doorzetters in 2024


Award voor talentvolle vluchtelingen

UMC-onderzoeker een van de vier genomineerden voor UAF Award


In recognition of outstanding refugees

UMC researcher nominated for UAF Award

In depth

What happened to the campus columnist for the English page?

‘I felt right away that something was wrong’


Wat gebeurde er met de Engelstalige campuscolumnist 2024?

'Ik voelde meteen dat er iets niet klopte'


Diversiteitsprogramma bezegelt einde van tijdperk met festival

EDI-programma gaat volgend jaar op de schop


Diversity programme seals the end of an era with a festival

EDI programme to be overhauled next year