Marjorie van Elven

Marjorie van Elven coordinates DUB's English page. Born in Brazil and fluent in English, Portuguese, Dutch and French, she has been working as a journalist and copywriter for 15 years. She moved to Utrecht in 2012 to pursue a Master's in Gender Studies at UU and fell so much in love with the city she decided to call it her forever home. At DUB, she covers the internationalisation of Dutch higher education, diversity and inclusion. 


In depth

International graduates give tips to freshers arriving from abroad

‘As a student, you should try everything at least once’


Internationale alumni geven tips aan buitenlandse eerstejaarsstudenten

‘Als student zou je alles op z’n minst een keer moeten proberen’

In depth

International teachers adapt to different attitudes in the classroom

‘Where I’m from, eating in class would be considered disrespectful’


Internationale docenten moeten wennen aan Nederlandse gewoontes

'In mijn land is het respectloos om te eten tijdens college’


Landlord changed the locks

Judge allows Egyptian student to enter his room again


Zestig studenten willen er wel vrijwillig werken

Kattencafé-idee van DUB-blogger wordt bedrijfsplan


Festival Europa laat zien wat er op het spel staat bij de Europese verkiezingen

'Ik had geen idee op wie ik moest stemmen, maar nu wel!’