Marjorie van Elven

Marjorie van Elven coordinates DUB's English page. Born in Brazil and fluent in English, Portuguese, Dutch and French, she has been working as a journalist and copywriter for 15 years. She moved to Utrecht in 2012 to pursue a Master's in Gender Studies at UU and has been living there ever since. At DUB, she covers the internationalisation of Dutch higher education, diversity and inclusion. 



Internationale afgestudeerden die permanent in Nederland blijven:

‘Het is een fijn land om in te wonen, maar je moet hard vechten om het hier te maken’

In depth

International graduates living in the Netherlands long-term

‘It's a nice country to live in, but you have to fight to make it here’


Internationale studenten over hun favoriete Nederlandse woorden

‘Hoe komt het dat boter en ham samen sandwich worden?’

In depth

International students about their favourite Dutch words

‘How come butter and ham become a sandwich?’


Maar er is nog ruimte voor verbetering

Meeste studenten voelen zich thuis aan de UU

In depth

UU students and staff share their favourite books

What to read in 2024?

In depth

Internationals surprised and worried after Dutch elections

‘I feel like a second-class citizen’