Most education still online after summer, working from home optional in first semester

This is what the Executive Board writes in the 'corona-update' of May 14. Although the Executive Board expects the Cabinet to report soon when which institute of higher education will be allowed back offline, the Executive Board already knows that not all students will be able to get physical education again.
This is because the government has said that students are not allowed to travel during rush hour and the capacity of trains and buses is limited. For the time being, the metre-and-a-half-measures will remain in place as well, making it virtually impossible to make all students come to the lecture halls. Nevertheless, as soon as it is known what the measures entail for higher education, the Executive Board would like to be able to start immediately. This is so that faculties and study programmes can start planning and scheduling, and teachers and students will know where they stand as soon as possible. The Board therefore assumes that what is possible at a distance will remain at a distance for the time being. This certainly applies to many lectures.
Studying and working at home remains possible
Although the Executive Board previously reported that laboratories are gradually reopening for both students and researchers, this does not mean, however, that all employees and students are obliged to come to the campus, the Executive Board writes. This applies until at least September 1 for students and employees who belong to a high-risk group or who have close relatives in this group. Exceptions are possible for the first semester as well. "We are going to develop policy with conditions that will make it possible to refrain from working or studying on campus."
University Library
In the previous update, the college also announced that the University Library in De Uithof would reopen its doors on May 18. However, that will happen a week later. This University Library will have limited opening hours from Monday to Friday between 13.00 and 16.00. The service is still limited. The reception desk will be open for students and employees to lend out and collect library material. The Special Collections Reading Room can only be visited by appointment for the time being. Study places are not yet available.