Tuindorp-West Complex:
Residents of orange building also agree to renovation

Student housing corporation SSH is working on renovating and making the three buildings in the student complex more sustainable. Last November, three hundred residents left the red building to allow the renovation works to start.
SSH intends to move the students living in the orange building to the red one, once it is finished at the end of the year. Those living in the yellow building are last in line. They will move into the refurbished orange building. The names of the buildings refer to the colours of the balustrades along the galleries.
To move on with the renovation, SSH first needs to obtain the consent of 70 percent of the residents of each building. This week, SSH announced that 225 people living in the orange building have given their approval in a so-called "capacity measurement". That is 75 percent of the residents.
The move will happen floor by floor. Those who currently live on the first floor of the orange building will soon be living with their current housemates on the first floor of the red building. All students are entitled to a relocation allowance of over 690 euros.
However, residents of the orange building can only move to the red one if enrolled in an educational institution on the day of the move, when a new contract will be drawn up. SSH will look for other options for those who will have graduated by then and those who will be taking a gap year.
SSH states that the renovation of each building takes about a year. The entire student complex must be finished by September.