student housing

Housing stress






In depth

A diploma in one hand and keys in the other

Graduates share tips on how to find a place to life after graduating


375 additional rooms

New student accommodation building at De Kwekerij


SSH's first all-electric student complex

No need to audition to live at Baobab

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‘Now that I’ve moved out, I realise what a dump it was'

Red building at TWC stripped bare after 50 years


'Too expensive'

No rent allowance for students renting rooms

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Students with unusual pets

‘The lambs were so cute’

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SSH director on the decision to abolish 'hospiteren' in new buildings:

'The auditioning system structurally excludes certain groups of students'


Most complaints from Utrecht

Paying too much rent? Complaining to the Rent Tribunal pays off

In depth

The summertime desertion of Red Flat’s House 108

‘The cleaning roster has decayed along with the ambiance in the house’


Housing provider wants to give room seekers a choice

SSH to disallow 'hospiteren' in new buildings