student housing

Housing stress






In depth

Half of Red Building residents have already left

A dilemma for Huize 108: should they look for new roommates?


Letter to the Municipal Council

Shortage of student housing in Utrecht still increasing


Meeting about more say and involvement

New Resident Board Union fights for facilities and wellbeing of USP residents

In depth

No Friends scenario for Huize 108

‘Tuindorp-West feels a bit like a ghost town'


According to an investigation by NOSop3

Landlords often charge students excessive service fees

In depth

The last months of House 108

‘There’s no place like TWC’


National student union wonders:

Where is the accommodation for students with a disability?


Otherwise, international students will be preferred

Housing minister: temporary rents actually help students

In depth

SSH wanted to renovate IBB, adding more rooms

IBB redevelopment fell through because municipality wanted fewer student rooms