Rooms in Utrecht cost 25 percent more compared to two years ago
Room prices increase sharply

On average, room prices rose by 1.1 percent in the Netherlands last year. That's according to a report published by Kamernet, the largest rental platform in the country.
This figure is not too distant from the one of 2022, a year that saw a sharp increase in rental prices. However, most cities with a large student population saw prices climb even higher, with increases between ten and twenty percent.
Students in Amsterdam now pay an average of 948 euros a month for a room, compared to 700 euros only two years ago. By contrast, rooms in Enschede and Wageningen are much more affordable: the average rent there is around 360 euros a month.

© HOP. Source: Kamernet
The change in certain cities has been dramatic. Rents in Amsterdam rose by 39.4 percent compared to 2021. After the capital, the fastest risers are The Hague and Breda, where prices rose by 31.8 and 29.5 percent, respectively. Wageningen saw rents increase by only 2.8 percent.
Most rooms advertised on Kamernet are offered by private landlords. Kamernet's report shows what students need to be aware of in terms of prices. Amsterdam remains the most expensive city, with landlords asking for 54 euros per square metre. Haarlem comes second, followed by Utrecht and Rotterdam, which share the third place with 37 euros per square metre.

© HOP. Source: Kamernet
The current housing shortage has worsened tenants' position. The Good Landlordship Act, which entered into force in mid-2023, is aimed at curbing unreasonable service and agency fees, among other things.