Collectivity discount over
Setback in healthcare policy affects thousands of UU employees

The fact that the Dutch cabinet has recently decided to let go of the collective discounts for basic health insurance packages is far from everyone's knowledge. The new policy for 2023 may come to policyholders as a nasty surprise.
An important reason to let go of the collective discount was that policyholders who could not use it were disadvantaged. Insurance companies often let them pay for the costs of this arrangement.
In the Netherlands, about 60 percent of all policyholders use such a collective arrangement. Discounts on supplementary insurances remain allowed.
No more discount
UU has agreements with health insurers Ohra and Zilveren Kruis about collective discounts on health insurances. In 2022, 2,531 UU employees received a 5 percent discount on their basic health insurance at Ohra and 1,856 UU employees at ZIlveren Kruis. In addition, 1747 retired UUers use the discount.
At Ohra, these policyholders will now be paying 135.95 euro per month for a health insurance with the lowest deductible. Last year they paid 128.10 euro. An increase of 7.85 euros.
At Zilveren Kruis customers can choose between three packages. The most frequently chosen package, Zilveren Kruis Zeker, is now going to cost 138.95. Earlier this was 124.88. An increase of a little more than 14 euros. A more exclusive package is going to cost 16 euros more.
If employees choose the highest deductible, premiums increase by about the same amounts. At Ohra, they will pay 115.12 euros. Zilveren Kruis Zeker will cost 121.45 euros.
More information can be found on UU’s intranet (only with Solis Id, Ed.)