New initiative by Utrecht Young Academy
Student psychologist Arthur van Andel wins Purple Crocodile Award

Utrecht student psychologists used to spend a lot of time making reports after an intake. Arthur van Andel managed to simplify the procedure, speeding it up by introducing a new format.
He was nominated by the former Head of Student Affairs Marieke de Bakker. In her view, Van Andel's initiative is a successful example of how Student Affairs is trying to improve work processes.
The Purple Crocodile Award jury consists of five UYA members. They were "impressed" by Van Andel's initiative. "It is a simple idea, but it makes a substantial difference for student psychologists and the students who need their help," said UYA President and jury member, Peter Bijl.
The annual prize aims to highlight an individual or team that succeeds in reducing "red tape" within the university. The jury was "overwhelmed" by the ten nominations for this first edition.
According to Bijl, the most striking thing about the nominations was that most of them were individuals, not projects, "which goes to show that the human factor is crucial in the fight against bureaucracy."
The award was presented at a UYA meeting held on Tuesday, March 26. The winner gets 300 euros to be spent on activities that promote team atmosphere and cohesion.
Arthur van Andel (right). He is pictured alongside his colleague Jerre Mijnarends, with whom he talked about the work of a student psychologist for DUB's special magazine about student wellbeing, published a year and a half ago. Photo: DUB/Chamee Giezenaar.