Two students, one teacher in the running for Campus Columnist 2020

Today, DUB will publish the best column each of the nominees sent in for the title of Campus Columnist 2020. The winner will be announced on Wednesday, January 15, during DUB’s New Year’s drinks. The new campus columnist will receive the Erik Hardeman stipend, worth 1,000 euros, and will publish a column in DUB every two weeks in the year 2020.
This year, the jury received fourteen entries. In total, twelve students and two employees participated, eight of whom are women, and six men. Remarkably, several Dutch participants had given their Dutch columns English titles.
The nominees
Keerthi Sridharan is the first nominee for 2020’s Campus Columnist. She is a Linguistics & Media Studies student at University College Utrecht. She’s a true global citizen, having studied at six different institutes across the world. In her column Room and Board, she describes weekend life at the UCU campus.
The second nominee is Francis van den Brink. She’s a student of Language & Culture. In her column Escalatie, she describes in a literary manner her relationship with her favourite, and yet most hated, possession: her laptop.
The third nominee is senior lecturer Jaap Bos. In his column Gelegenheidsminaas, the psychologist uses his cat Mina to explain his feelings on the university’s tendency to move towards internationalisation.
The results
This year, the jury consists of poet and assistant professor of European Law, Hanneke van Eijken; press officer Roos Wijnants; former campus columnist and Bachelor’s student of Philosophy, Michiel Hekkens; and DUB editor-in-chief Ries Agterberg. All participants had to submit two columns. The columns were anonymised for the jury, who then chose the three best submissions. These three will be published today. The winner will be announced on January 15.