Alumni office will take care of distribution

UU students can apply for VSBfonds scholarship after all

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For a while, it seemed that UU students who were interested in continuing their studies abroad with the help of a scholarship from VSBfonds were bound to be disappointed. The university announced that it would be scrapping the grants because the time investment required by the selection procedure was "disproportionate".

After careful consideration, UU managed to find a way to continue collaborating with VSBfonds: the alumni office will take responsibility for the distribution of the scholarships, with help from UU alumni. 

According to Margot Sluis-Barten, Director of the University Fund and Head of Relationship Management, everyone at the university regretted the end of the scholarship. She was asked to find a way to revert that, especially in light of the fact that the University Fund and the alumni office have a lot of experience with grants.

In the end, they came up with the following solution: applications for the 50 to 60 VSB grants handed out every year will be analysed by a panel of UU alumni. Sluis -Barten: "Many UU graduates are still closely connected to our university and they would love to contribute to it in this manner." This way, she says, the university "gains a nice activity without burdening the organisation too much."

Project Manager Annemarijn Boelen, from VSBfonds, is "extremely happy" about the renewed partnership as it benefits ambitious and enterprising UU students who would like to develop themselves further. "I'm looking forward to a pleasant and lasting collaboration."

Since 1991, almost 400 UU students have been granted a VSBfonds scholarship. The average amount given is 8,500 euros. Students who would like to receive this grant to study abroad next academic year must send in their application before March 1.

