News and in Depth

In depth

What do Salvation Army visitors think about Utrecht students?

‘They complain about their grants, but then you see them drinking all that beer’


UIT board smaller than usual

What is there to do during UIT?

In depth

Half of Red Building residents have already left

A dilemma for Huize 108: should they look for new roommates?


Bidding farewell to the Ministry of Education

A look back on Robbert Dijkgraaf’s time in office: was he too polite?


Awards for best council member and best board member

It is raining Vidius awards for UU students and board members


Letter to the Municipal Council

Shortage of student housing in Utrecht still increasing


Collective labour agreement for universities:

Social safety is stumbling block in CAO negotiations

In depth

Volcanoes, fossils, and castles made of meteorite

Professor Van Hinsbergen explains the geological highlights of Tour de France


Debate about students' mental health

House votes in favour of cum laude and exit interview with dropouts


Women to be prioritised over men with the same qualifications

NWO to boost women’s chances of obtaining Vidi grant