News and in Depth

In depth

Dutch student writes handbook for internationals

‘It would be nice if there would be more openness from both sides’

In depth

Professor of Public Engagement wants UU to break all ties with fossil fuel industry

Erik van Sebille: ‘It's all about framing, scientists have to be more aware of that’


Record expected to the broken

Number of students from outside Europe rises in the Netherlands

In depth

To avoid inappropriate and abusive behaviours

All first-year students to follow course called 'Consent Matters'


Only 13 percent of applications granted

UU gets 23 of the 188 Veni grants conceded


No network operator needed

UU's solar park: ‘It’s absolutely marvelous’

In depth

Huzur snack bar, a meeting point for students since 1991

Snack bar host Mehmet: ‘I never forget a face’


The politician who could impact the future of English-taught degrees

Who is Pieter Omtzigt and why should you care?


To reduce the pressure to perform

UMC Utrecht considers abolishing cum laude