artificial intelligence

In depth

Readers decide what DUB will write about

Which of these three questions should DUB explore in depth?


Too risky

NWO employees not allowed to use ChatGPT


AI seen through the eyes of a non-STEM student

Improvise, adapt, overcome?


For all your questions about artificial intelligence

UU researchers launch AI helpdesk


Statistics Netherlands shows:

AI users are young and highly educated


A Master's student’s perspective

Embracing AI in Education: an urgent need for academia


Students on their use of ChatGPT

'Denial makes no sense, students must be held accountable'

In depth

Governance expert Albert Meijer looks at Europe and governmental organisations with hope

AI is dangerous. How do we save democracy?


Beyond Code: an open platform to learn and reflect on artificial intelligence

Master’s students launch a magazine to discuss AI challenges across different disciplines