faculty of humanities


Humanities students: 'We'll never give up'

Language students in disbelief after closure announcement


Against the major cuts to the higher education budget

UU administration calls on everyone to join protest on November 14


Teacher-researcher Nike Stam fears for the visibility of UU's 'pearl'

Will students take Celtic courses if there is no dedicated programme?


Faculty council urged to vote against it

‘Humanities' transition plan will lead to monoculture'


After the University Council insisted

Labour participants should make city centre buildings more welcoming

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Faculty makes drastic cutbacks; no forced redundancies yet

Humanities axes six programmes

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Berteke Waaldijk, the ‘face’ of Language & Culture Studies, retires

‘I feel a bit mellow about leaving’


More fresh air, but less easily accessible

Study associations from Humanities leave Drift for three years

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New multidisciplinary research by professor Maaike Bleeker

How do you make a robot become more socially competent?

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Bruce Mutsvairo: from Harare ghetto to professor in Utrecht

‘The Netherlands should be proud of its polder model’