Palestina protest

In depth

Students and staff report extensive violence by riot police

‘They went after us, using force right away’

In depth

Jewish students and staff no longer feel safe at UU

‘I don’t dare wear my necklace with the Star of David anymore out of fear of the comments’

In depth

Executive Board members attend pro-Palestine event for the first time

Maya Wind: ‘Israeli universities are deeply entangled with military projects’


Caught in the act

Suspect arrested for defacing Drift


An autonomous group from Utrecht claims responsibility for the act

Pro-Palestine activists deface Administration Building


UU files police report over graffiti

Last pro-Palestine march before the summer faced with closed doors


The 'last' protest of this academic year

UU students and staff protest for Palestine again this Tuesday


Pro-Palestine activists react to rectors' op-ed

‘We will keep on protesting’