student wellbeing


Trimbos Institute published report about the pressure to perform

Students more and more stressed out but they're not talking about it

In depth

Meet the students behind DUB's new podcast

‘Why do I stay glued to my phone for so long even though I don't want to?’

In depth

Student organisations LSVb and ISO oppose BSA

'The BSA is simply another form of selection'

In depth

Failure is still a taboo

‘Don’t walk around feeling like you’ve failed’


Work pressure increasing at UU

Are students genuinely in favour of the binding study advice?


East Community Team wants to become more visible

Walk-in hours at the Science Park brings social work closer to students


To be inaugurated in the next academic year

Olympos sports centre soon to get two padel courts


23 higher education institutions already signed

Amnesty asks UU once more to sign manifest against sexual violence