Win the book Painted Science about painting and scientific inventions

Professor Gerard Pasterkamp has been working at the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU) for more than 20 years. He was looking for a book that brings together his work as a scientist and his interests in art. Because he couldn't find what he was looking for, he made it himself: a book about paintings of scientific breakthroughs and technological developments. In January he released his debut Painted Science and the Dutch translation followed in March.
The book is structured in chronological order and takes the reader on a journey through two hundred works of art through the world of important discoveries and technological innovations that have changed the world. Read more about the content and creation of the book here.
The book Painted Science is available in English and Dutch, as a hardcover and as a paperback through, and bookstores. For more information, visit the Painted Science website.
DUB can give away two Dutch books and two English books. To get a chance at winning one of the copies, email your name, telephone number, your preference regarding the language of the book, and the answer to the question below to before July 6. Only the winners will hear from us.

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