News and in Depth


News platform about higher education sector stays afloat

ScienceGuide secures necessary financial support

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International graduates living in the Netherlands long-term

‘It's a nice country to live in, but you have to fight to make it here’

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A list of its main projects

UU is constantly building and renovating

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Historic SSH buildings will get double glazing

‘It’s inconvenient, but the construction workers are very sweet’

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Appreciated and beloved for her genuineness

Facility manager Cobi Noordhof leaves university after half a century


Utrecht loses some of its Bachelor's students

Amsterdam and Rotterdam are magnets for Master’s students


University’s neutral stance hard to swallow for some

'UU risks being complicit in genocide committed by Israel'


Language of instruction remains a hot topic

Positive response to universities’ internationalisation plans: 'A turnaround'


Rooms in Utrecht cost 25 percent more compared to two years ago

Room prices increase sharply