More students apply for UU programmes

VSNU, the umbrella organisation of Dutch universities, recently reported that 99,000 people have applied to a university bachelor's programme. Nationwide, this is an increase of 6.5 percent compared to last year. So with an increase of new applications of 10 percent, UU is doing well above average.
The application figures do not say anything about the number of students who will actually enrol for a study programme at UU. It is well known that many prospective students enrol in more than one programme or more than one university, only to decide later on what they want to study and where. It also happens that prospective students do not enrol in a programme at all in the end.
There is a chance that many potential new students will not want to start their studies digitally this year. However, UU has said that, among others, first-year students will be given priority for physical education if possible under the corona measures.
An additional factor of uncertainty that can distort the grades is the enrolment of international students. Although the number of applications from abroad for a programme at UU has also increased, it is very uncertain how many of them will actually start a study programme in Utrecht. This will also depend on how the coronavirus develops in the coming months and what measures are needed to contain the virus. It is expected that many students with an interest in studying in the Netherlands will not be able or willing to come because of the coronavirus measures.
On the 1st of October, which is the annual date on which enrolments are counted at educational institutions, it must be clear how many first-year students have actually enrolled for a Bachelor's or Master's programme at UU.