PhD psychologist is staying longer at Utrecht University

Rector Magnificus Henk Kummeling already announced before the summer holidays that, as far as he was concerned, the pilot would be extended due to the amount of help requests the psychologist received. The need among PhD candidates turned out to be so great that the specially appointed psychologist did not have enough time to help everyone. For example, there is currently only one slot left for the entire month of October.
By extending the pilot for almost a year, more PhD candidates should be given the opportunity to use the service. In addition, the University wants to use the extra time to form a better picture of the nature of the problems that Utrecht PhD candidates face.
The Executive Board has therefore decided that the pilot will run until June 2020. Then, a decision will be made about whether Utrecht University will retain a PhD psychologist or whether the problems of PhD candidates will require a different solution. The pilot was originally planned to run from the 1st of March to August 2019.