Red building residents will be the first ones to go in 2024
SSH wants to renovate Tuindorp-West Complex, residents must move out

Those living in the complex were informed on Tuesday of SSH's plans to renovate the three buildings in separate rounds that will last one year each. The one best known as "the red building", on Van Lieflandlaan, will be the first to be renovated in September 2024. The students will have to move out before then.
The student housing provider aims to make the building more sustainable by replacing the exterior facade. Inside, all bathrooms, toilets and kitchens will be replaced. About 300 residents will be affected by SSH's decision in each flat. The 300 others living in the low-rise buildings will not be affected.
Students asked for their opinion
The students living in the red building will first get the opportunity to react to the proposal. The renovations can only move forward if 70 percent of the residents agree with SSH's plans, says the student housing provider in an e-mail.
A social plan drawn up in consultation with the housing board of the Tuindorp-West complex states that residents will have priority to occupy other SSH rooms. The housing provider assumes that enough rooms and studios will become available to accommodate all those interested.
Iin addition, they will be given the option to go back to the building after the renovation, in which case they will be given a temporary exchange room in one of the other flats. Furthermore, there is a moving allowance of 644.16 euros. Asked what SSH will do if they don't gather enough supporters, a spokesperson says that the housing provider "will have to come up with an alternative strategy."
Rooms that become vacant in the red building will not be occupied by new tenants for the time being. Students can continue to apply for rooms in the other two buildings.
In an email to students, SSH says it understands that students may feel overwhelmed by the message. "Saying goodbye to your living space and roommates is not an easy thing". At the same time, according to SSH, the situation offers them an opportunity "stepping-up in their housing career."
An information evening for residents of the red apartment will take place next Tuesday.