Petition asks UU to stop using 4.0 as a minimum requirement
Students in the University Council want to get rid of strict resitting policy

The student members of the UU Council have started a petition to underscore their demand to abolish 4.0 as the minimum grade required for the chance to retake an exam. According to them, the rule makes UU students even more afraid of failure and incurs in delayed graduations. Besides, they argue that other universities have more lenient requirements.
Utrecht University presupposes that students who score lower than 4.0 have not mastered the material sufficiently, so they must retake the entire course, not just the exam. However, the student members of the council consider this reasoning unfair, as students are being judged on a snapshot. They argue in a memo (accessible for those with a Solis ID, Ed.) that all sorts of reasons can cause students to get a poor grade even when they are prepared.
This is not the first time UU's resit scheme is under the microscope. A previous petition from 2018, initiated by STEM students, also asked the university to abolish the minimum grade (article in Dutch only, Ed.), after which the students and employees of the DUB panel showed that lecturers tend to be in favour of the current rule.