No expulsion
USC: Up to one and a half year suspension as punishment for slut list

According to USC (statement only available in Dutch, Ed.), these "unusually long sanctions" are rarely imposed. “This sends a clear signal about our intolerance for this transgressive behaviour,” says the statement on their website.
Last month, USC had already imposed a provisional suspension on several members after it emerged that a sexist list with names, photos and contact details of female students from Utrecht was circulating among students. The fraternity's board then investigated the matter alongside a specially appointed committee.
USC states that expelling the list's compilers would not have been “proportionate”. The association stresses that this is their first violation, that senior housemates also played a role in the incident, and that the compilers were not responsible for spreading the list. It is as yet unknown who made the list public.
In addition, USC reports that the compilers are being subjected to threats and social isolation, not to mention that the Public Prosecution Service is investigating the case. Two 20-year-old men were identified as suspects a week and a half ago.
USC previously reported that the members involved are expected to be actively involved with the plans to change the association's culture, especially at the student homes it maintains. The students are supposed to warn new members by sharing their experiences. They should also apologise to the victims willing to hear such an apology.