Renovation works start in the Van Unnik building
UU's illuminated sign and logo are back

The 38 letters decorating the building, which is one of the landmarks of UU's campus, turn on at sunset and turn off at sunrise. To save energy, they are switched off between 11:00 pm and 5:00 am.
Shrouded in green nets for safety reasons, the Van Unnik building has been empty for years, casting a rather sad shadow over De Uithof. But that is also about to change.
Renovation works begin
The building, which has 22 floors, has been nominated for demolition for over fifty years but, three years ago, the university decided to renovate it instead. After all, its concrete skeleton was still in good shape.
If everything goes according to plan, in 2028 there will be a completely renovated and energy-neutral building hosting educational, research and administrative activities. The majority of employees set to work there are from the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Administration deparment.
Just like the Kruyt building, which is also getting a huge facelift, the new Van Unnik building is going to be the heart of the Utrecht Science Park. The new illuminated letters therefore symbolise the beginning of the renovation works, which will mainly comprise interior demolition and asbestos removal. A big generator is going to be donated to Ukraine.

Photo: UU