To be more effective

V&C and FSC management teams merge to form Campus & Facilities

The Kruyt building needs a lot of maintenance and is nominated for a major renovation and refurbishment; a job for both FSC and V&C. Photo: DUB

It is not a surprise that the two directorates will merge. In 2017 and 2019, several departments were already shifted from one directorate to the other. V&C director Fiona van het ’t Hullenaar was not replaced after she left. FSC Director Eddie Verzendaal became interim at V&C in 2022 and was later appointed director of the merged directorate. At the time, it still had the working title Woonbedrijf. The merger process was initiated in the summer of 2023.

More efficient
The merger aims to distribute the work better and more efficiently. Some activities overlap between the two directorates, particularly in the area of ​​maintenance. It is not always clear which directorate is responsible for what, which results in a lot of consultation and waste of time and quality, as stated in the organisational plan.

No one will be fired, but several employees may be given other tasks, a different workplace or a different manager.

Both the Local Consultation and the Service Council are positive about the changes. However, the Service Council demanded close attention to the cultural differences between V&C and FSC during the merger. Verzendaal said in a meeting with the Service Council that this is already something they are taking into consideration. According to him, the employees of Campus & Facilities do not consider the merger a “shocking change”.

The Campus & Facilities directorate will be responsible for all new construction and renovation projects, as well as area development and the maintenance of all buildings. In addition, energy projects, sustainability, greenery on campus, security, purchasing and tenders related to coffee machines, catering and cleaning also fall under the new directorate's tasks.

A total of 486 people work for the new directorate, which is the same number of workers currently employed by the two directorates. The new organisational structure will be implemented from September until the end of the year. The process must be completed by January 2025.
